Past Mentors & Organizers

Meet Our Mentors

PhD student


PhD student

UC Davis

Postdoctoral Researcher 

Harvard University

PhD student 


Postdoctoral Researcher 

Harvard University

Postdoctoral Researcher 


Ph.D. student in Computer Science

University of Michigan

Research Assistant Professor

Toyota Technological Institute—Chicago (TTIC)

Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Bastian Solutions

PhD student

UC Santa Barbara 

Assistant Professor

Koç University 

Principal Engineer

Qatar Computing Research Institute

Associate Professor

Ph.D. student 


Ph.D. student


Postdoctoral Scholar

Genentech Biotechnology corporation

Asstistant Professor 

Chalmers University of Technology

Prasanalakshmi Balaji

Asstistant Professor 

King Khalid University

Assistant Professor, Cornell University

Assistant Professor, UCSD

PhD Student at Georgia Tech

Abhimanyu Dubey

Generative AI Research at Meta

Stanford University

PhD student

Senior ML SWE at Google

Muhammad Saad Shamim

MD/PhD Student, Rice University

PhD Student, UT Austin

 PhD student, Harvard University

Founder & CEO at LocknSell

Senior Product Engineer

Meet Our Organizers

Fundraising & Partnerships

Outreach Coordinator

Board Advisor

Media Coordinator

Fellow Success Coordinator